Serotti e Ghidini
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Privacy policy

Production. Logistic. Machining.


SEROTTI & GHIDINI SRL, with Headquarter in VIA CASAGLIA, 57, 25039 TRAVAGLIATO BS , with the aim to select business figures to be implemented in its staff, offers the possibility to answer to the job advertisements published on its own web site under the section Work with us, and also the opportunity to attach in this section your own CV. For this reason, SEROTTI & GHIDINI SRL, asks to the involved person to supply every useful data to check his suitability to cover some position inside the company. SEROTTI & GHIDINI SRL commits itself to use the received information according to the current regulations. In this regard, in adherence to what specifically foreseen from the D. lgs. 196/03, SEROTTI & GHIDINI SRL invites to take note of the following.
Methods and purpose of data processing.
The data will be handled by SEROTTI & GHIDINI SRL on paper, computerized, or telematic support.
Of the received data SEROTTI & GHIDINI SRL will treat: 
1) the exact registration, so that they correspond to what declared by the interested person;
2) the update to every communication of change received from the interested person;
3) the storage in a manner which allows the identification of the interested person for a period of time not bigger than the one necessary for the aims for which they were collected.
The collected data will be stored for no more than three years.
1. Goals
SEROTTI & GHIDINI SRL with the aim of selecting personnel to be implemented in its staff, may ask to attach on the section "Work with us" the curriculum vitae, and also any other identifying and personal data, useful to verify if the professional figure of the candidate is in line with the company requirements.
SEROTTI & GHIDINI SRL reserves the right to remove from its archive the received data in case that these after a check result to be not correct, incomplete or not updated.
The input of the data requested by SEROTTI & GHIDINI SRL is optional.  But, the missing input of the requested data will not permit to answer to the ads of personnel research currently available in the section "Work with us" or to load in the section your own application. By supplying the requested data, the interested person is aware of authorizing the treatment SEROTTI & GHIDINI SRL for all the above mentioned aims.  
2. Sensitive and minors data
2.1 Where the information supplied to SEROTTI & GHIDINI SRL contain sensitive data (like data that reveal racial and ethnic nature, religious, philosophic or of whatever kind ideas, political opinions, adhesion to parties, labor unions, associations of a religious, philosophical, political or trade-union nature, as well as data capable of revealing the state of health and sexual life) these data may be processed by SEROTTI & GHIDINI SRL only after written consent of the interested person.   We inform you also that this data collection will regard only the " sensitive" data which are relevant to the aim of the evaluation of the professional attitude , under the limits in which the data collection is closely essential to the establishment of a work relationship and does enter into conflict with the provisions of Law 300/1970 (Workers Statute), of the Law n. 135/1990 and with the rules on equal opportunities or to prevent any discrimination. Especially, the owner obtains the following sensitive data: suitable data to detect the belonging to legally protected categories.  
2.2 The data regarding minors will be used and processed by SEROTTI & GHIDINI SRL solely for the aims specified under point 1, only in case the parent or guardian expressed his consent about it.
SEROTTI & GHIDINI SRL will inform third parties of the personal data received only to the extent in which the diffusion is necessary to carry out its activities and to pursue the aims referred to in point 1., and in the case that this is due by law. Therefore, personal and identification data will be communicated, inter alia, to:
a) Associations connected to SEROTTI & GHIDINI SRL;
b) Public bodies or private companies, for the fulfillment of contractual and legal obligations;
c) Companies that deal with statistical calculations;
d) Third parties designated by SEROTTI & GHIDINI SRL responsible for the data processing which supply the service of CV database management.
The free access to the section " Work with us" of SEROTTI & GHIDINI SRL does not exclude that, despite the precautions taken by SEROTTI & GHIDINI SRL, other subjects not indicated in this section may get hold of your personal data.
At any time the interested person may ask that SEROTTI & GHIDINI SRL cancels from its data base the received information.  
4. Rights of the interested party  
Whoever communicates his own data to SEROTTI & GHIDINI SRL has the right to obtain: 1) the confirmation of the existence or not of personal data about him, even though not yet recorded, and their communication in intelligible form; 2) the indication (i) of the personal data origin, of the aims and processing methods , (ii) of the applied logic in case of processing with the use of electronic instruments, (iii) of the holder identification details, of the responsible and of the appointed representative, (iv) of the subjects or of the subjects categories to whom the personal data can be transmitted or who may become aware of in quality of designated representative in the state territory, of responsible or in charge of.  
In addition, it will be a right of the interested person :
a) the updating, the change or , in case of interest, the data integration;
b) the cancellation, the conversion into anonymous form or the processed data lock under law breach, included those data for which the storage is not necessary and in relation to the aims for those these data have been collected or later treated;
c) the acknowledgement that the activities under points a) and b) have been brought to knowledge of those to whom these data have been transmitted or spread, also for what concerns their content, except the case in which this fulfillment results to be not possible or requires an employ of means clearly excessive compared to the safeguarded right.
The involved person has in addition the right, for legitimate reasons, to take position against in whole or partly to the personal data processing which regard him, even though relevant for the collection purpose.
5. Holder of personal data processing 
The holder and responsible of personal data processing is SEROTTI & GHIDINI SRL, with Headquarter in VIA CASAGLIA, 57, 25039 TRAVAGLIATO BS . The updated list of the processing responsibles is available at the Headquarter of SEROTTI & GHIDINI SRL.