Environment policy
Production. Logistic. Machining.
The Environment management system is primary according to Serotti&Ghidini Srl for the company development and for the achievement of the business goals.
Serotti&Ghidini Srl constantly operates according to the legal obligations and plans available resources with the aim to reduce to the minimum the environmental impact.
It therefore operates on the base of the following principles:
- Steady commitment in maintaining an effective system to obtain the UNI EN ISO 14001 certification
- To operate according to the legal requirements and conformity obligations which guarantee the environment safeguard
- To identify the most significant environment parameters for an incessant improvement
- Personnel training and involvement, to make them more sensible towards the environment safeguard
- Careful analysis of the possible environment risks
- Special attention in the following activities:
- optimization of the company wastes with implementation of clean technologies;
- controls of the emissions;
- planned maintenance of the abatement plants;
- control and reclaim of external sound emissions;
- implementation of instruments suitable for the energetic consume reduction;
- recovery of drains for internal heating;
- control of the water discharge
- reduction of waste and disposal
- Availability of this policy document for all the company employees and also for those who operate at Serotti&Ghidini Srl plant.